Bag Mohajer/ Refugee Bag

Bag Mohajer/ Refugee Bag, Adrian Oeser, Germany, 2016, 30′
Documentary | o. v. greek, english, german, farsi, sub. italian
First italian screening

Bag Mohajer

A german fashion designer has opened a tailor’s shop in Athens, where a group of refugees from Afghanistan work. They make bags out of life jackets and materials left on the strand in Lesbo island by migrants’ disembarkations and shipwrecks. The project’s name is “Bag Mohajer”, that means “refugee bag”.

Adrian Oeser – UNDER 35
Adrian Oeser (1988) has studied at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg since 2015. He directed several documentaries among which With heads held high. Living and surviving in kibbutz Ma’abarot and crossmedia project An exception.

Direction, Production, Editing Adrian Oeser
Cinematography Evangelos Anthimos
Sound Maleen Harlan
Sound Editing Tim Heumesser
Music Max Clouth
Distribution Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg