Guilt of Communism

Guilt of Communism, Elisabetta Sgarbi, 86′, Italia 2015

Three Romanian women, caregivers: Ana, Elena, Micaela.They’ve been living in Italy for many years, but only one of them has got a job at the moment, Micaela. Ana and Elena lost their job and if they aren’t able to find another one,they will have to come back to their homeland.

Cinema Primavera, friday 29th april 21.30

Title Guilt of communism
Duration 86′
Year 2015
Country Italia
Genre Fiction
Language Italian, Romanian
Director Elisabetta Sgarbi
Screenwriter Eugenio Lio, Elisabetta Sgarbi
DOP Andrés Arce Maldonado, Elio Bisignani
Editing Andrés Arce Maldonado, Elisabetta Sgarbi
Music Franco Battiato
Cast Ana Turbatu, Elena Goran, Micaela Istrate, Marianna Satmari, Giovanni Satmari, Alin Satmari, Gabriele Levada, Giorgio Moretti
Production Betty Wrong, Rai Cinema
Festival Torino Film Festival 2015

Three Romanian women, caregivers: Ana, Elena, Micaela.They’ve been living in Italy for many years, but only one of them has got a job at the moment, Micaela. Ana and Elena lost their job and if they aren’t able to find another one, they will have to come back to their homeland to their families, that they’ve been supporting financially for years from, without seeing each other for a long time.
Micaela, the youngest and most astute of the three, decides to help her two friends and begins with them a journey through the tight network of Romanian communities in Italy, in search of a possible job. For the three women, this is an opportunity to break the rules of the daily life and forge a relationship of complicity and friendship. This journey is a discovery of a hazy, elusive, multifaceted, partly secret world, hanging in the balance between love and rejection of a homeland, a tradition and a political ideology which raised them and whose collapse forced them to escape abroad.

Director’s Statement
Colpa di comunismo (Guilty of Communism) represents a further step in my need to tell plots of life, desires and material needs, chasing them. Marginal lifes: in the margins often hides unexpeted freedoms.

Colpa di comunismo
Colpa di comunismo

Director’s bio-filmography
Elisabetta Sgarbi (Modena), former publishing house Bompiani’s editorial director and the new publishing house La Nave di Teseo’s founder, made her debut as a film director in 1999. She is the founder and artistic director of La Milanesiana, festival of literature, music, cinema, science, art, philosophy and theater. Her movies have been selected by the most important festival all over the world, from Venice to Locarno, Cannes, Rome, London and New York. Colpa di comunismo is her third feature film.
Frammenti di una biografia per versi e voce (cm, 1999), Projeto meninos de luz (cm, 2000), (non sempre) merci beaucop (cm, 2000), La consolazione e la spina dolorosa (cm, 2001), Alladin Flash(-back) (cm, 2001), Belle di notte (mm, 2001), La notte che si sposta – Gianfranco Ferroni (mm, 2002), Rue de Varenne (cm, 2002), Notte senza fine (2004), Due contro una (mm, doc., 2005), NevicheRò (2006), Il pianto della statua (mm, 2007), L’ultima salita – La Via Crucis di Beniamino Simoni (doc., 2009), Deserto Rosa – Luigi Ghirri (doc., 2009), Cosa è l’avanguardia? (2011), L’invenzione di Ariosto – Tullio Pericoli (2011), Racconti d’amore (2013), Per soli uomini (2014), Il pesce siluro è innocente (2014).