We are announcing the Working Title Film Festival 7 juries, made up of outstanding professionals from the world of cinema, whom we thank for agreeing to contribute to the festival.
Each competition section has three jurors:
for the Feature Films & Medium-length Films section they are Cecilia Bozza Wolf, Chiara Càmpara and Federico Francioni;
for the Short Films section Giulia Cosentino, Francesco Montagner and Tommaso Santambrogio;
for Extraworks the jury consists of Vanina Lappa, Morgan Menegazzo and Mariachiara Pernisa.
They will decide the winners of this seventh edition, who will be revealed on the final evening, Saturday 16 November 2024 at the Caracol Olol Jackson.
Open call for the Young Jury
In addition to these three juries, there is also the transversal Young Jury, which will award a special prize to the best film, among those in competition focused on the theme of work from the point of view of youngsters, teenagers and children.
We are launching an open call to take part in this jury: are you a student in Film Studies or Filmmaking at University or in a Film School? Are you attending the last classes of Audiovisual Multimedia-oriented High School? Would you like to participate in a Film Festival as a protagonist?
Apply no later than September 30 via email at workingtitlefilmfestival@gmail.com or via DM on Instagram stating your course of studies, domicile and motivation.
Jurors’ biographies
Feature Films & Medium-length Films
Cecilia Bozza Wolf (1989) is a DAMS graduate from the University of Padua and a filmmaking graduate from the ZeLIG film school in Bolzano. Her graduation film Vergot got numerous selections and awards, including the Best Film in the Orizzonti vicini section at the 2017 Trento Film Festival. Her first fiction feature Rispet was released in 2023. She is the official videomaker of Arte Sella and owner of VERGOTfilms. She has been working on her second feature film, Confusia.

Chiara Càmpara (1987) studied philosophy at the University of Milan and documentary cinema at the Civica Scuola Luchino Visconti. She directed documentaries selected in international festivals. Her first fiction feature Lessons of Love was selected in the Biennale College Cinema programme and presented at the Venice Film Festival in 2019. She worked on the documentary series ARIA (2020, distributed by Raiplay) as co-author and Zona Protetta (2024, Rai Fiction), of which she directed some episodes.

Federico Francioni (1988) is a graduate of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. Among his documentaries, The First Shot, co-directed with Yan Cheng, was awarded Best Film at the Mostra del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro in 2017 and Rue Garibaldi, developed at the Ateliers Varan in Paris and during a G.R.E.C. Frontières residency, as Best Documentary at the Torino Film Festival in 2021. With Gaël de Fournas, he has been working on the feature film Dar L Walid.

Short Films
Giulia Cosentino (1990) trained at the Universities of Roma Tre, Nova in Lisbon, Sorbonne in Paris and Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She teaches the course of film re-use at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Sicily. She worked as assistant director on films by many international authors, including Pietro Marcello’s Martin Eden and Matteo Garrone’s Io capitano. Her short films have been presented at numerous festivals and in 2022 she won the Premio Solinas for the screenplay Due amici.

Francesco Montagner (1989) is a director and lecturer. Animata Resistenza (2014), his first feature-length documentary, was awarded the Venice Film Festival’s Venezia Classici Prize for best documentary about cinema. Brotherhood (2021) is his second feature, winner of the Cineasti del Presente Golden Leopard at the Locarno Film Festival. He is a tutor at the film universities FAMU (Czech Republic), EICTV (Cuba) and CISA (Switzerland).

Tommaso Santambrogio (1992) has collaborated as a director with internationally renowned filmmakers, such as Werner Herzog and Lav Diaz. His Taxibol (2023) was selected among the best films for the David di Donatello Awards. Los Océanos Son Los Verdaderos Continentes (2023), his first feature film, was presented in competition at Venice Days during the Venice Film Festival and then distributed in cinemas throughout Italy.

Vanina Lappa (1989), an Italian-French director and editor, graduated from the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan, starting her journey with painting and video art. Her first feature-length documentary film Sopra il fiume won the Filmmaker Festival in Milan in 2016. She moved to Brussels to pursue documentary filmmaking and attended the Ateliers Varan in Paris where she developed Nessun posto al mondo, which won the Audience Award for Best Documentary at the Festival dei Popoli in 2023.

Morgan Menegazzo (1976) studied cinema at DAMS in Bologna and graduated in directing techniques at the Nuova Università del Cinema e della Televisione in Cinecittà. A director and editorial coordinator, he makes documentaries, videos and experimental films in collaboration with Mariachiara Pernisa. His documentary short film René va alla guerra (2024), co-directed with Luca Ferri and Mariachiara Pernisa, was selected in competition in the section Orizzonti – Shorts at the Venice Film Festival.

Mariachiara Pernisa (1981) is a graduate of the Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna and a graduate of the Griffith Academy of Cinema and Television in Rome. An editor and photographer, she makes documentaries, photographic projects, films and experimental videos in collaboration with Morgan Menegazzo. Her documentary short film René va alla guerra (2024), co-directed with Luca Ferri and Morgan Menegazzo, was selected in competition in the section Orizzonti – Shorts at the Venice Film Festival.