Out of the box, Caroline Siegner, Germany, 2015, 15′
Fiction, Dramedy, o.v. German, subtitles Italian
April 29th, 2018, 4.30 pm, Ridotto del Teatro Comunale di Vicenza – Regional Premiere

Frustrated customers, a shameless boss, acoustic terror: this is the daily life of Jana, a 26-year-old call center agent. Even at home there’s nothing to laugh about: every morning woken up by loud techno music and she has to face unpleasant encounters with her alcoholic neighbour. Jana seems to be resigned to this life, which is like an infinite loop, until she gets stuck in the elevator…
Director’s bio-filmography
Caroline Siegner was born in Wernigerode (Germany) in 1985. She received a three-year vocational training in film editing professional at a public broadcasting service. In 2013 she started to study editing at Filmakedemie Baden-Württemberg, where she discovered also the passion for writing and directing, making some short films (Greta’s Journey and O-613).
Director and Screenplay Caroline Siegner
Cinematography Marvin Schatz
Sound and Sound Editing Laura Schnaufer
Editing Svenia Baumgärtner
Music ComposerChiara Strickland, Andreas Pfeiffer
Cast Godje Hansen, Michael Specht
Producer Lennart Lenzing
Distribution Sigrid Gairing (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg)
Festival (selection) North Carolina Film Awards, Brazilian Int’l Labour Film Festival, Metropolis Short Film Festival (Jury Prize)
Website https://www.filmakademie.de